The importance of taste

Something I’ve been thinking about on and off for a while now is how important it is for each project that the people in charge have good taste. I realise that this kind of discussion is a minefield because it immediately comes across as an accusation, but hear me out.

What is taste? Taste is unfortunately subjective. It is a bit “I know it when I see it”. It is not the same as design, but there is certainly overlap. Although thinking about it in fact I think you can argue that it is design in the broader, purer sense.

Taste is often about saying no. It is about pushing back. It is about simplifying. Sometimes it involves asking rather pointed questions. It can be making decisions. Paring back. Thinking about the bigger picture and the overall direction. Rethinking past decisions and reconsidering alternatives when things change.

It is an important tool to guard against feature creep and bloat or to just stop things getting out of hand and becoming a mess. It is essential for staying focused.

Taste is what separates great leaders, products, teams or companies from the rest.

Le Roux Bodenstein @lerouxb